
How to Start a Home Workout Routine and Stick to It

How to Start a Home Workout Routine and Stick to It

Working out at home can be a convenient and cost-effective way to improve your health and fitness. However, many people struggle to start or maintain a home workout routine due to lack of motivation, space, equipment, or guidance.

Home workout is a type of physical activity that you can do at the comfort of your own home, without the need for a gym membership, expensive equipment, or professional guidance. In this write-up, I will share some tips on how to overcome these challenges and create a home workout routine that works for you.

Tips on How to Sustain Your Home Workout Routine

Tip 1: Set realistic and specific goals

One of the most important steps to start a home workout routine is to set realistic and specific goals that align with your personal needs and preferences. For example, instead of saying “I want to lose weight”, you could say “I want to lose 10 pounds in 3 months by doing 30 minutes of cardio and strength training 3 times a week”. This way, you have a clear and measurable target that you can track and adjust as needed.

Setting realistic and specific goals also helps you avoid frustration and disappointment if you don’t see immediate results. Remember that fitness is a journey, not a destination, and that progress takes time and effort. Celebrate your small wins along the way and don’t compare yourself to others.

Tip 2: Choose a workout that suits your level and interests

Another key factor to start a home workout routine is to choose a workout that suits your level and interests. There are many types of workouts that you can do at home, such as yoga, pilates, HIIT, dance, calisthenics, or resistance bands. You can find plenty of free or affordable online resources, such as YouTube videos, apps, podcasts, or blogs, that offer guidance and variety for different levels and goals.

The best workout for you is the one that you enjoy and can stick to. Experiment with different options and see what works for you. You can also mix and match different workouts to keep things fun and challenging. For example, you could do yoga on Mondays, HIIT on Wednesdays, and dance on Fridays.

Tip 3: Create a designated space and time for your workout

A third tip to start a home workout routine is to create a designated space and time for your workout. Having a dedicated area for your workout can help you get in the right mindset and avoid distractions. You don’t need a lot of space or equipment to work out at home. You can use your living room, bedroom, balcony, or backyard as your workout zone. Just make sure you have enough room to move safely and comfortably.

You should also schedule your workout time in advance and stick to it as much as possible. Treat your workout as an appointment with yourself that you can’t miss or reschedule. Find a time that works best for you, whether it’s early in the morning, during your lunch break, or in the evening. You can also set reminders or alarms on your phone or calendar to help you stay on track.

Tip 4: Find an accountability partner or join a community

A fourth tip to start a home workout routine is to find an accountability partner or join a community that can support you and motivate you. Working out with someone else can make it more fun and enjoyable, as well as provide feedback and encouragement. You can work out with a friend, family member, co-worker, or neighbor who has similar goals and interests as you. You can also join an online group or forum where you can share your progress, challenges, tips, and questions with other like-minded people.

Having an accountability partner or community can also help you overcome excuses and procrastination. Knowing that someone else is expecting you to show up or checking in on you can give you an extra push to get moving. You can also challenge each other or set up friendly competitions to spice things up.

Tip 5: Reward yourself and have fun

A final tip to start a home workout routine is to reward yourself and have fun along the way. Working out at home doesn’t have to be boring or stressful. You can make it more enjoyable by playing your favorite music, wearing comfortable clothes, using props or accessories, or watching a show while you exercise. You can also reward yourself with something that makes you happy after completing your workout, such as a healthy snack, a relaxing bath, or some quality time with your pet.

Remember that working out at home is not only good for your physical health but also for your mental and emotional well-being. It can help you reduce stress, boost your mood, improve your confidence, and enhance your creativity. So don’t be afraid to try new things, have fun, and enjoy the process.


In conclusion, starting a home workout routine can be challenging but rewarding if you follow some simple tips. You should set realistic and specific goals, choose a workout that suits your level and interests, create a designated space and time for your workout, find an accountability partner or join a community, and reward yourself and have fun. By doing so, you can create a home workout routine that works for you and that you can stick to for the long term.

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